
Homeowners Insurance Policy: What is Other Structures Coverage?

Mar 18, 2021


Homeowners Insurance Policy: What is Other Structures Coverage?

One of the few peculiarities or needs associated with homeowners insurance is the other structures coverage. This article will provide what you need to know about addons or extensions, like other structures, on homeowners insurance. Other structures coverage is the part of a homeowners insurance policy that helps to pay for repairs or to replace structures other than your home if they are damaged by a covered risk.

What Is Included in Homeowners Insurance Other Structures Coverage?

Items covered in other structures under your homeowners' insurance include a fence, a detached garage, an in-ground swimming pool, a gazebo, and a lawn. The peril of fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters such as hailstorms or floods, if covered in your homeowners' policy, are likely covered for other structures. You need to read your policy to learn what perils are covered.

What Is Other Structures Coverage Limit?

The Insurance Information Institute says that other structures coverage is based on a percentage of your dwelling coverage. For instance, if you have a dwelling coverage of $500,000, this coverage applies to your house and all attached structures. However, you may have up to $50,000, representing about 10% in coverage for your fence and other detached structures on your property.

You must understand that, whether or not it's a detached structure, any property covered by homeowners insurance will only be protected up to the limits on your policy. Therefore, the moment you conceive the idea of upgrading your property by adding a detached structure such as a lawn, you need to review your other structures coverage limits to help ensure you have enough protection in the event of loss or damage. The review will factor the payment costs to repair or replace the detached structures after a covered loss. You can speak with your agent to help adjust your coverage limits.

Miscellaneous Factors You Should Know

Your homeowners' policy will likely cover theft. However, it may not provide coverage for the stuff you store inside those detached structures. If you have sufficient protection in place for your detached garage, what about the stuff you store inside? The personal property coverage in a homeowners insurance policy typically helps protect belongings regardless of where you keep them, so you'll probably find you have coverage for items you store in other structures.

You can always adjust your personal property coverage limits based on your particular needs. Additionally, scheduling items of significant value may offer greater coverage. If expensive antiquity is a scheduled item, this will typically be covered no matter where the loss or damage occurs. It pays to speak with your agent regularly and whenever you plan for significant changes in your home. You will be able to learn if you have sufficient coverage for the upgrade, and it provides an ample chance to review any expected changes to your premiums.

Understanding how coverage works for other structures can help you determine if you have the right amount of coverage for your whole property. It is important to ensure that you are always covered, and your property is protected even if an attack is successful. Are you looking to buy homeowners insurance in Ventura, CA?  Contact the experts at John E. Peakes Insurance Agency today. Our dedicated team is eager to assist you with all your insurance needs today.