
Home Renovations That Affect Your Home Insurance Coverage

Jan 24, 2024

Home Insurance

Home Renovations That Affect Your Home Insurance Coverage

Embarking on a home renovation project is an exciting endeavor, whether upgrading your kitchen, adding an extra room, or enhancing your outdoor space. While the focus is often on aesthetic and functional improvements, it's crucial to consider the impact of renovations on your home insurance coverage. Let's explore the several renovations that can influence your insurance rates and delve into the essential considerations for maintaining adequate coverage.

Renovations That Increase Home Insurance Rates

Particular renovations can trigger an increase in your home insurance rates. These typically involve enhancements that may raise the replacement cost or pose higher risks. They are -

  1. Adding Square Footage: Expanding your home increases its value and, consequently, the cost to rebuild. It can lead to higher insurance premiums to ensure adequate coverage for the expanded space.

  2. High-End Upgrades: Installing luxury features such as granite countertops, high-end appliances, or custom fixtures can elevate the overall value of your home. While these upgrades enhance your living space, they may also increase insurance costs.

  3. Swimming Pools or Hot Tubs: Adding a swimming pool or hot tub increases the liability risk on your property. You may need to adjust your liability coverage to account for potential accidents or injuries associated with these amenities.

  4. Renovations That Lower Home Insurance Rates Conversely, some renovations can lead to lower home insurance rates by reducing risks or enhancing safety features:
  5. Home Security Systems: Installing a robust security system, including alarms, cameras, and monitoring services, can qualify you for discounts on your insurance premiums. These systems deter theft and enhance the overall safety of your home.

  6. Upgraded Roofing: Replacing an old or damaged roof with a newer, more durable material can make your home more resistant to weather-related damage. This proactive measure may result in lower insurance costs.

  7. Plumbing and Electrical Updates: Upgrading outdated plumbing or electrical systems reduces the risk of water damage or fire, potentially leading to lower insurance premiums.

Do I Need to Increase My Homeowners Insurance After Renovating?

Determining whether you need to adjust your homeowners insurance after renovating depends on the scope and nature of the project. Here are key considerations:

  1. Reassessment of Dwelling Coverage: If your renovations significantly increase the replacement cost of your home, it's advisable to reassess your dwelling coverage. Ensure that your policy reflects the updated value to avoid being underinsured in the event of a covered loss.
  2. Liability Coverage Evaluation: Consider increasing liability coverage, especially if your renovations introduce features that could pose increased liability risks, such as a new deck or swimming pool.

  3. Communication with Your Insurance Provider: Keep an open line of communication with your insurance provider. Inform them of the renovations and discuss any adjustments needed to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Additional Home Renovation Insurance Options In addition to adjusting your existing homeowners insurance, consider these additional insurance options for comprehensive protection:

  1. Renovation Insurance: This specialized coverage protects your investment during the renovation process, covering materials, tools, and equipment against theft, damage, or loss.

  2. Builder's Risk Insurance: If you hire a contractor for your renovation, the builder's risk insurance can cover the structure and materials during construction.

    Related Article: Home Renovation Projects That May Impact Your Insurance Policy

Choose Your Home Renovations Confidently with Insurance Coverage from John E. Peakes Insurance Agency

As you embark on your home renovation journey, don't overlook the crucial aspect of insurance. For personalized advice and to explore your insurance options, consult John E. Peakes Insurance Agency. Contact us today to get started. Call us at 1800-800-5199 for further assistance.